There are different definitions on how to look mysterious, depending on if you are a man or a woman.
A WOMAN can attain a mysterious look in a number of ways, beginning with hair. If you do not have bangs, get your hairdresser to create fluffy, long bangs. Longer bangs give you a chance to glance casually upwards through them at your guy.
Try wearing the same perfume, so that he associates you with a particular smell.
A MAN can attain a mysterious air about him with clothes. Black always makes a woman think that a man is mysterious, and slightly dangerous, which is always attractive.
Put on a light scent; nothing too strong or she’ll remember you as being a smelly, mysterious man.When it comes to hair, just make sure to keep it cut neatly and out of your eyes.
You can use these tips not only on a prospective date, but on someone you’ve been with for a long time!