Online dating has its Con's. The good news is most of these can be overcome with some simple preparation and a few precautions.
Don't give out private information
Not at least until you are comfortable with your potential partner. This would include your private email address, your telephone number, and any Instant Messenger accounts you're using.
Don't use bad language
There's no need to use bad language in your profile. You want to look smart and cultured, not bargain-basement.
Don't be negative
If you're a pessimist, say instead that you're realistic! If you feel over weight, say instead you're big and beautiful! If you've had a difficult time in your life, say instead that you're at a cross roads - as one door closes another opens...
If meeting for the first time
Playing it Safe, safety should be a principal concern. Meet in a public place first during the day, maybe coffee or lunch.
Remember you are marketing yourself and like any marketing campaign first impressions count, so wear something smart and comfortable. Don't talk about yourself all the time. Show interest in what your date has to say about themselves, and remember to compliment them.
Misrepresentation online is a serious concern for genuine online dating users. As a result some sites offer marital status and criminal background checks for their members. However, even if a site does not provide a verification service, by employing basic safety guidelines you can make sure you play safely online, and when you eventually meet face to face.
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We've just published a new and rather blunt book on online dating. Mismatch.Com -- The Disastrous Effects on Online Dating and What Women Can Do To Bring Dignity to Dating in the 21st Century. FMI, www.
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